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The Anxiety Relief Bible
Introduction to the Course (5:08)
Support Network
Your Goals and Expectations (5:33)
Staying Motivated (5:51)
Anxiety. The Basics
What is Anxiety? (4:45)
Anxiety Disorders: Do You Have One? (4:33)
The Symptoms of Anxiety (8:04)
Causes and Treatment Options (4:24)
Anxiety Test: Measuring Your Anxiety (2:35)
What is Relaxation and Why Bother? (2:36)
The Relaxation Diary (2:33)
Watch Your Breathing Pattern (3:54)
Diaphragmatic Breathing (9:04)
Release Tension with Progressive Relaxation (11:52)
Guided Progressive Relaxation
Passive Relaxation (2:50)
Guided Passive Relaxation
Mental Imagery (5:02)
Determining Your Fitness Level (6:00)
Moderate Intensity Endurance Training (4:08)
Yoga (9:11)
The Yoga Workbook
Treating the Anxious Mind
The Power of Thought (5:21)
Seeing Your Mind for What it Really Is (6:42)
Befriending Your Anxiety (5:52)
Living In the Now (4:52)
Finding Your Values (4:07)
The Cognitive Triangle of Anxiety (3:59)
Starting a Thought Diary (8:31)
Anxious Thoughts and Cognitive Distortions (10:30)
Cognitive Restructuring (5:11)
Determining Your Fitness Level
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